Composite Recycling Gives New Life to Old Boats

Link to article on 24 Heures site here (requires subscription) Link to French-language pdf of article here English translation of article below   The start-up extracts the fiberglass of abandoned boats in order to make new composites and plastics. In Europe, 2...

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Swim4Hope – 30.08.2023

Our team has taken part to Swim4Hope, a unique crossing from Chillon to Geneva with a traverse to Evian. The CR athletes swam from 2km to 4km each from Vevey to Cully, cheered by the rest of the team! We are very thankful for the donors who supported the CR swimming...

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EU Directive 1991/31/EC

In Europe, waste management requirements have been evolving over the last years both at governmental and industrial levels with recycling targets and requirements for minimum recycled content becoming more stringent. A particularly interesting case in point is...

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